That really was absolutely top-notch and helpful!
Sabine Herbst, project manager at DGUV
The XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work was held from 24 to 27 August 2014 in Frankfurt am Main.
The congress was organized by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA). With the tagline “Sharing a vision for sustainable prevention”, the congress brought together about 4,000 experts on safety at work, politicians and scientists from 143 countries who attended the special events and symposiums to discuss ways to make work safe and healthy on a world-wide scale.
Due to the tremendous organizational efforts, the previously preferred software couldn’t meet the demands anymore. Using Converia was being considered a possible solution. As several processes had been defined in a very detailed way and for the most part had already been implemented with the previous solution, there was a desire to adapt Converia to these processes. In order to do so, it was necessary to transfer the complex website in four languages to Converia while leaving the sophisticated design unaltered.
Within four weeks the migration of all website-, personal-, abstracts- and reviewing data was carried out.
Part of this was also the import of all attendees and abstracts from the previous system. The Converia modules were adapted to the existing corporate design.
For the purpose of documenting the congress, Converia developed a complex documentation database which ensures that the content of the world congress is preserved for posterity and available at any time.
The world congress app – available in four languages and also following the corporate design guidelines - enabled attendees to access the congress program and the abstracts anytime and from any location. Moreover, new features for the app were developed so attendees could rate presentations on-site and keep track of everything thanks to the integration of the congress’s own social media channels.
In addition to providing a helpdesk solution for the congress office, Converia assisted the organizers with addressing the attendees by preparing and sending out weekly newsletters. The Converia team was present on-site as well and helped with the check-in so that the world congress could run smoothly.