Some of the clients using our abstract management software include

Simple or complex – Converia adjusts to your workflow

It’s you who decides what a submission looks like and who should review which abstracts. It doesn’t matter whether you’re planning a simple call for papers, submission and review, or if your review processes are a bit more comprehensive and involve multiple committees and responsibilities – Converia covers all the necessary steps.

Collect reviews and stay in the loop

Converia reduces the workload for you. Use the overviews to stay on top, manage the communication, remind reviewers of pending abstracts, and inform submitters about the final decision.

Continue with accepted abstracts in Converia

Build your conference schedule using all abstracts that have been accepted. If you also use our registration module, you will immediately see which speakers have not yet purchased their conference ticket or uploaded their presentation.

Getting started in no time

To make sure that your call for papers can start without any problems, we will show you all the features in advance and provide tips for successful abstract management. All further questions will be answered by your personal contact person from the Converia team.

During our search for an abstract management software and put off by common overpriced and outdated “solutions”, we eventually came across Converia. All of the required features and much more could be conveniently put into practice after only a short training period.

Dr. med. Ulrich Thurnheer, 39th Ultraschall Dreiländertreffen, Davos

How about a live experience?

How does Converia look like from a submitter's POV, and how do reviewers and the committee use it? Experience our abstract management software from all perspectives.