Clients & References

Our clients represent a wide variety of professions. And just as diverse are the challenges that come with each of their conferences. However, we remain consistent: We’re always looking for the best solution to fit your needs, whatever you require. And we are pleased to welcome everyone who wants us to take their conference to the next level. Learn about what we've already been able to accomplish and get to know all the projects we’re currently turning into success stories.

We’ll consider using Converia again for our future conferences.
Dr. Georg von Hippel , Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Institute of Nuclear Physics
It was easier than I thought.
Noriko Kakue , 16th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Converia was of great assistance with managing registrations and submissions.
Dimitri Benke , REPM Darmstadt
Darmstadt University of Technology, Research Group Functional Materials
Very good software & support package.
Johannes Hanke , 23rd University Day of Sport Science
Organizational Management, Technische Universität München
This is how you would wish a competent and uncomplicated collaboration to be.
Dipl.-Chem. Antje Kersten, Head of laboratory for chemical analytics , PMV-Tagung „Papier und Umwelt“
TU Darmstadt

Case Studies

Converia in Use

Here's a sample of the more than 1,000 clients that have already begun using Converia:

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